
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

CopyPod v9.44

CopyPod and CopyPod Photo are the ultimate backup & recovery tools for your iPod, iPod Photo and iPod Video. You are just a few clicks away from retrieving your music, ratings, playlists, playcounts, photos, videos to your PC. CopyPod is a lifesaver when sending your iPod for repair, in cases of computer/hard drive crash, or just to backup up to a different drive.
Use CopyPod Photo for the recovery & sharing of your iPod photos. Recover your souvenirs in just a few clicks and share them on other's computers. A PC crash doesn't mean you have to loose all those precious memories, give our products a go! CopyPod and CopyPod Photo will do these jobs effortlessly.

CopyPod and CopyPod Photo are free to try. See it them action with the free trial versions you can get here. Download them now and you will be backing up your iPod songs, photos and videos in no time !

iLibs will let you to manage multiple iTunes libraries comfortably. It features multiple user, multiple libraries and multiple iPods support with a dummy-proof interface!

Included 5 Tools for Ipod Management

CopyPodis the ultimate tool to transfer your songs from your iPod to your PC

CopyPod Photois to photos what CopyPod is to songs, it transfers your photos from your iPod to your PC in no time.

iClonerallows you to create backup images of your iPod in case your iPod crashes, gets stolen or lost and if you want to move your iPod contents from the old iPod to the new iPod.

iLibsallows you to manage multiple iTunes libraries on a single computer easily.

SyncGuardian (formerly PodTools) lets you switch your iPod between Automatic and Manual Update mode safely.

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