
Monday, February 18, 2008

Kerkythea 1.3.04

Kerkythea is a stand alone rendering engine.

Supported 3D File Formats:

* 3DS Format
* OBJ Format
* XML (internal) Format
* SIA (Silo) Format (partially supported)

Supported Image Formats:

* All supported by FreeImage library
* [JPG, BMP, PNG, TGA, HDR included]

Supported Materials:

* Matte
* Perfect Reflections/Refractions
* Blurry Reflections/Refractions
* Translucency
* Dielectric Material
* Phong Material
* Ward Anisotropic Material
* Lafortune Material
* Thin Glass Material
* Anisotropic Ashikhmin Material
* Layered Material (additive combination of the above)

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